Vitamin-D, which is resistant to corona


             The corona virus is rapidly consuming the lives of people around the world. On the one hand medical scientists are actively engaged in trying to find a vaccine and a cure to control this virus.                                                                                                                                On the other hand, what kind of people does the corona attack? They are also conducting extensive research on how to reduce mortality by changing treatment methods accordingly.
It is a fact that the corona virus easily infects the lives of the elderly who are not immune. One week ago, a study found that one in five people who weighed more than 120 kilograms died from coronary heart disease.
Vitamin-D deficiency:-
       In this case, the scientists of the University of East Anglia in the UK and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Foundation Trust in 20 European countries died of coronavirus due to which defect? Conducted a recent study comparing that At the end of the initial study, it was found that most people had lost their lives to the corona virus due to vitamin-D deficiency.
 Will heal quickly:-
       Scientists in the UK say, "Patients with coronavirus are more likely to recover faster if they get vitamin-D supplementation." This is because they are easily attacked by the corona due to this malnutrition. The vast majority of the dead were people with very low levels of vitamin-D. ”

Well, from what do you get the most vitamin-D?
  • Naturally, a lot of vitamin-D is available to humans through sunlight.
  • Fish contains vitamin-D in tuna, kala Especially more in the gala

  •    Vitamin-D is also found in orange juice, whole grains, soy milk, cheese, mushrooms and egg yolks.
Vitamin-D also seems to be a good weapon to follow the social space in public places, to wear a face mask and to wash your hands with soap from time to time to escape from the corona attack!
